Thursday, March 03, 2005

Crap Movie

Blues Brothers 2000

The Story

Elwood gets out of prison to find out his brother passed away. For reasons unknown, he decides to bring the band back together for another mission from God. Well, that’s pretty much it. That’s whole damn plot… I don’t know what else to say… oh well.

The review

It’s time again to review another crappy movie. This one is really bad. It’s so bad in fact I got so angry after I watched it. I couldn’t believe they tried to make another one without even John Belushi’s brother Jim. Who did they get to fill in? John Goodman. Goodman? What the hell?

One thing I always found strange was that they called it Blues Brothers 2000, yet the movie was released in the late 90’s. This movie does everything in its power to destroy the original movie. How the hell did this movie ever get green lit and then filmed?

Dan (get a job) Aykroyd decided there should be a sequel to original and wrote the script (if you want to call it that). Somehow, Danny bribed John Landis into directing this crap. Here’s their conversation…

Dan: Hello, John.

John: What are you doing here?

Dan: Ever since my career went the way of Chevy Chase, I felt we needed to expand on the story of the Blues Brothers.

John: I don’t know, Dan. Many see the original as a classic. Why bother messing that up? Besides, it wouldn’t be right to make another one without John Belushi.

Dan: Come on, Johnny. I can’t do this without you. I know your last movie tanked.

John: That’s not nice. I’m still not going to do it.

Dan: I have money for you…

John: I’m in, I’m in!

Things to look for

~ There is a huge police car pile up in the movie that tries its best to top the original movie. It’s like a hundred cop cars piling on top each other for about 5 minutes. So funny…not!

~ There’s a “cute” little kid that sings and dances as if he actually has soul. Was this character really necessary? Think of him as Jar Jar Binks. It’s better this way.

~ If I were going to say something nice about the movie, it would be that music is good. If I were…

~ Dan Aykroyd is not funny.

~ James Brown and few others from the first movie make appearances.

~ It is nice to see BB King in the movie though.

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