Saturday, November 28, 2020

Earth and Captain Janeway


I was listening to the WHM podcast about Remo Williams and they mentioned Kate Mulgrew doing narration for some shit-science documentary about the Sun revolving around Earth.  I looked it up and it is true.  Here it is... 


 I LOVE the fact they’re using Borg lighting in the interviewing portions of the movie.  Are you saying something there?   


The best part is Kate Mulgrew disowned the movie just before it was released in 2014.  Basically, the movie disguises itself as a conspiracy doc but it is actually a damn religious movie instead.  Pretty sneaky.  Not only did Mulgrew disown the movie but a few of the scientists did as well.  


Kate’s entry is listed in her “self” listing.  From IMDB((Kate Mulgrew and others were unaware of the "geocentricism" being pushed by this documentary. She was a voice for hire, never told the full documentary purpose and her lines did not indicate the film's true purpose. Having found out later the controversy surrounding her participation, she has denied geocentricism and stated she never would have participated)) 


That must have been an embarrassment for her to find that out.  Ouch.   And, yes, this junk science does have a wiki page and total bullshit that some stupid people believe.  I just love that Captain Janeway that explored more of the galaxy than any captain was duped into making this doc.  

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Thundercats Roar Fired...Canceled



Not only was Trump fired, but Cartoon Network has fired the shit show Thundercats Roar.  I truly hated this show due to bad animation and subpar writing.  It was painful to watch that first episode.  When you make the Bay Transformers look like a better adaptation of an 80s cartoon show, you know you are doing it wrong.  While I wasn’t the biggest fan of the 80s cartoon, I did like it.  And, I can tell these bun-wearing writers really didn’t care for the original. 


I didn’t care about the “woke” aspects of the show because it was the really bad character models and animation.  There was a way to this show and keep some of the campy stuff they wanted to do.  They really didn’t need to make the character super-deformed and lame jokes.  They needed better writers to bring the campy nature out.  There is a balancing act of bringing in new fans and old ones and the show decided to the Teen Titans Go route.  While the TT fans that grew up with the old show hated TT Go, Cartoon Network was able to make money selling the toys.  Roar not so much.   Now, there is a chance the show can come back though.  

So long, Roar.  You can hang out with Trump.  

LSU Pizza Girl: Revisited



Was this girl the proto-Karen?   The best part is she paid for a pizza and left in anger thus not getting her pizza.  She defeated herself.  


This happened ten freaking years ago.  I remember posting about this meme level event.  The LSU Pizza Girl was a lovely moment when we could make fun of someone just because they were assholes.   


So, what happened to our entitled hero?  She either left school or got kicked out for a while.  Not sure which and unconfirmed.  After making the national news and even getting an Urban Dictionary entry, she got Thanos-ed.  Did she ever get her pizza right?  Does she work for a pizza joint?  Is she still throwing things at random people named James?  Wait, my name is James.  Crap.   

Monday, November 23, 2020

This guy really wanted his Kreuzburger...

While he is a total asshole for doing this, you have to give him credit for continuing to try to fit his car into the restaurant.  Generally, I don’t eat hamburgers anymore, but these burgers look pretty good.   From what I can tell, this jerk got arrested.  Tho...getting the getaway car stuck in the building wasn't smart.  

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Not the way to treat fans


This slow train wreck is getting sad Taken from KF.  This is one of those mean tweets that shows you how mean and selfish Spoony has become as he morphs into a goblin.  It is no wonder that even the most SJW of girlfriends had to hang in the towel.  


When you lash out at the last people that still care about you, you will lose everything.  His remaining fans tried to keep his Patreon above 400 but it has dipped down to 270.  At one point, he was getting 5K a month.  You don’t lash out at your diehard fans like this.  This is a new low for even you.  I wish had the loyal fan base you have and I love the readers I have.   People want to actively help you and you shit on them.  Fuck you, Spoony.  

If he doesn’t make a major change in his life, leaving social media and getting a real job, things are going to get dark really quick.  Twitter is not a way to cope with depression and laziness, Spoony.   This sickness of just hovering over a computer and refreshing the browser on Trump’s Twitter page is sad.   

There is still time to change this from ending badly.   

Saturday, November 21, 2020

When bullets don’t matter...

This woman was so high that many bullets didn’t even stop her until she went for a break for it.  Lady, you are not the Flash.  BTW, you hear her say, “Okay, it's done.”  Now, you know this would have been a different beginning to an arrest if it were a black woman.  They would have already detained her.   

Oh, and the story isn't done.  Months later, this lovely woman with the voice of an angel gained a few more charges in prison.  She grabbed a guard's gun and got a shot off.  They were able to get the gun back and her restrained.  This woman really loves firing guns around officers.  

Do comments dream of comment sheep?




"Black lives matter, right?" Jesus Christ, conflate much? 


Given my stupid blog is nearly 15 years old, I always find it interesting that people will leave comments on a super-old post.  Yet, this one was left on a 2019 post.   


Sometimes people will leave these sideways comments as if they’re sending a tweet on my comment section.  I am all about hearing opinions different from my own but the problem is when you drop a comment and don’t leave a fully realized opinion.  If it is a major subject like BLM, don’t just drop a silly quick comment and leave.  If you’re willing to search the web, find my shitty blog, leave a comment, at least share a more engrossing thought than “Conflate much”.  That doesn’t cut it.   


Though, I love the fact I pissed this person so much that they took the time to read the stupid post and write a snarky comment.  In 2020, I didn’t know I had that in me still.   


So, I left a comment below this person’s comment.   

((conflate in what way? Explain? 
Given I am black and WANT black lives to actually matter. How does a kid disappear and no one looks into him missing until after they find his bones in a car trunk? As a black community, we have to do better. 
To use a line from Malcolm X "“There can be no Black-white unity until there is first some Black unity. There can be no workers' solidarity until there is first some racial solidarity. We cannot think of uniting with others, until after we have first united among ourselves."))